Popular Leaks

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Most Horrible Commercials of 2011

The first on my shit-list is the Vonage commercials,  especially the one that is currently showing.  It's got horrible acting and the actors look like a fucking joke.  I mean, the snotty looking bitch with the elongated head with the poor excuse of a British accent... fuck her, she sucks.  And that middle east looking dude, he looked like he wanted to fucking laugh or something. Let's not forget about that bitch with relatives from Italy.  She has "unconvincing" written all over her ass-face.  I hate this commercial with a fucking passion. Excuse my language, hear is the link .http://www.vonage.com/commercials/?commercial=through_time

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I wanted to get this off of my chest.  I'm sick of finding books that try to be all cool and shit, when they're not.  Now I'm not saying "Chimera" by Rob Thurman is not entertaining, but is is clearly inaccurate and Juvenal. Not to mention, degrading to the Genre. First of all, I found a big-ass error just off the title, "Chimera".  It supposedly refers to the brainwashed brother, who is trained as an assassin.  It would make a lot more sense if it were a woman, because the chimera is a mutated "FEMALE" creature, not male.  So, off the bat, I hated that it was poorly titled.

Secondly, the Russian mob doesn't have jurisdiction in the U.S. for a school that breads "Chimera" assassins covertly and disguised as a special program,  nor do they have ties with genetic engineers in the U.S.. In my opinion, Rob is beating around the bush.   

Friday, June 17, 2011

Celtx Is A Scam?

Hello my fellow screenwriters, or just viewers.  Back in 2007, I downloaded and used Celtx free software to write a script.  I noticed that if you wanted to format your SCRIPT, you had to be connected to the INTERNET. At first, I paid no mind to it.  But then, when I started to see my material (in some shape or form) on current (2009-2011) TV shows and movies, I had to pace my self.

Please do not take this lightly if you are a writer, because the movie industry isn't as creative as they are made out to be. In fact, they're thirsty for intuitiveness, creativity, and innovative ideas because they lack it.  Anything that is labeled "FREE", isn't really free if you think about it.  Just learn how to use tabs in your regular document program.

Another scam producers and production companies use to steal your creativeness is registering your script in WGA or WGAW.  They will come up with a million reasons why you should register with them instead of the copyright office. but lets makes this clear.  If they do still your ideas without paying you, you have nothing to use against them in court.

The best thing to do is copyright your script and pitch it.  And don't use celtx, they are secretly stealing from us.